October 6, 2022
The the last Sunday of every quarter we make a field trip to a local parish: one, we like to experience the broad range of worship found in the Diocese of Chicago; two, it’s a great excuse to have brunch together; and three, everyone gets back early enough to dive into the final rush of finals week.
For winter quarter’s visit, thirteen of us traveled up to Church of our Saviour. We were welcomed most warmly by new and old friends and after coffee hour trooped off to a local diner recommended by a parishioner.
Imagine our surprise, when we asked for the check, to be told that there was “good news and bad news.” The good news was that our brunch had been paid for already and the “bad” news was that we weren’t to be told who had paid. Thanks, anonymous friend, for a wonderful gift that topped off a morning of good worship, good food and great fellowship!
Brent House
The Episcopal Center at the University of Chicago
5540 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637office@brenthouse.orgOffice:
(773) 947-8744