Brent House is a community of passionate, thoughtful students who engage their faith in deep, probing kinds of ways and experiment with what it looks like to live that faith. We are an incubator for spiritual leadership in the Episcopal Church and beyond.
[Brent House] sent me off to become a deeply engaged and spiritually mature member of my post-collegiate church community.
Brent House was probably the best introduction to the Episcopal Church I could have gotten.
A place to have fun, chill out, argue and learn, all in the same building with the same people
A safe, loving space, “a haven” and wholly different from the rest of uchicago
A loving, non-competitive environment within UChicago, “Brent house an island”.
I needed a spiritual community at UChicago, something that wasn’t related to academics, place where people cared about me on the weekends.
A person of faith but also intellectual, “a community that is anchored in a tradition” and “theologically serious preaching”.
Brent House
The Episcopal Center at the University of Chicago
5540 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637office@brenthouse.orgOffice:
(773) 947-8744