April 26, 2022
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!
It’s been quite a Triduum around here, bits and pieces of which I’ll be posting as I can. I wanted to share first about Laura’s baptism last night at the Cathedral. Laura was radiant in her white dress, but shining even more with her excitement and joy at taking this step in faith. Her voice was strong and sure as she made the three renunciations and three affirmations and we joined her voice as we reaffirmed the Baptismal Covenant. I can’t imagine what was going through her head as she made the long walk behind the bishop from the front of the church back to the font in full view of the congregation, but I was near tears with joy.
We had around 30 people come up to St. James from Hyde Park, a mix of Brent House folks and Laura’s friends from the dorm and cross country, plus her parents, her brother, and her boyfriend. What a great crowd!
The Church is blessed to have Laura as a fellow disciple and sister among us. Thanks be to God!
Above we’ve got the whole crowd at the Cathedral, Laura and Ian (her sponsor--thanks, Ian!), and a couple of shots of one of the tables full of us at Su Casa afterwards.
Brent House
The Episcopal Center at the University of Chicago
5540 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637office@brenthouse.orgOffice:
(773) 947-8744